PLAFIT-3300T Super32 Assembled Rolling Chassis and Pointer Motor
Yes, the Super24 has a small brother :
The Super32 Chassis features the same design with several interchangeable parts between the two systems. It is the perfect fully adjustable Model Car Racing Chassis for the smaller scale. It also can be used with or without Traction Magnet. It comes as a rolling chassis with all running gear plus a Fox 4 Motor, Axle Oilite Bushes front and rear, 32 T Spur Gear, 12 T Pinion and RTR 16mm Racing Wheels with ready trued Sponge Tyres (front 16 x 7 x 20.0mm, rear 16 x 12 x 22.0mm). There is a huge selection of Super32 system parts available to suit any particular car/body style.
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Closed Mondays, Tues & Wed 10-5, Thu & Fri 10-9, Sat 10-6, Sun 12-5
We ship regular orders within one business day
Oversized and Bulky Track oders are shipped POA. Please call for quote